Tuesday, October 19, 2010


So I'm looking at my life over the last year and there have been a lot of hard times... and anyone who knows me can attest to that. My injury, 3 deaths in the family, haters in every facet of my life.

Yet I have come to realize I haven't been dwelling on all the good in my life. Finding myself instead harping on the fact that I still can't dance; strings of bad dates; fighting for a pre-school spot; not getting the accolades that I'm do... Then I realize- WHO THE HELL CARES!?!?!

I have so much good in my life right now that none of the other stuff even starts to matter. Why would I keep dwelling on that? I just moved into a new place, about to buy a home, traveling again and putting my family back together. Out of all the bad there are several silver linings and I haven't been able to enjoy the beautiful forest for all of the trees. When I realized this fact my prayers go from Lord give me strength to endure, offer me patience and give me the tough skin I need to get through... to Thank you God for my quiet strength, my learned patience, my serenity and sanity. THANK YOU.

I no longer ask him to keep my haters quiet and off my back. I thank him for them, and want him to keep them coming and make their chants louder as they help me to remember what my goals are. They keep me focused on what is really important, and remind me that I am doing what's right. If I wasn't they wouldn't have anything to talk about right.

So if you're finding yourself dwelling on the problems and constantly telling God how big your situation is... Change things around, just this once. And tell your situation how big your GOD is.

Try this... got a funeral to attend don't cry for the person in the casket, they're gone. Make yourself cry laughing at all the funny things they did when they were here. Enjoy the family that you haven't seen in years.

Gained a little winter weight... Don't fret. Think about it this way, its the perfect excuse to go out shopping for a few new clothes to fit your new curvier body.

Pimples popping up and making a home on your face. Why not treat yourself to a wonderful facial at the new local hot spa... Hell it could count as a doctor's visit and get you out of work... (Okay maybe not, but it sure sounds like a good idea right?)

Kids just won't leave you with a moments peace... Look at it like this they love you and the time you share. Tomorrow isn't promised so enjoy every minute of it today.