Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Nuisance Neighbor and I'm fighting back!

I was wondering about posting this one but when I really thought about it... Why the hell not?

Recently I had a new neighbor to move into my building and its been crazy ever since. This new neighbor is some type of preacher and while I don't have any problem with the religous beliefs of others, I do have a problem when those beliefs bother me and my child.

Since this new neighbor has moved in he has there has been little to no sleep for me and my child. Every night between midnight and 12:30am he starts screaming and banging on the walls. Last night it was something about "Die evil... Jesus here... DIE DIE DIE." Now to hear that out of a deep sleep is enough to scare the crap out of an adult but picture the little ones hearing that. He woke up the majority of kids on my floor including mine and they all began screaming. This man woke up 8 kids and their parents. I personally called the courtesy officer who then started banging on his door. He refused to answer so the police were called. They hesitated to do anything simply because he said "this is America and I can practice my religion." Which is true... but is it okay when your religion infringes on the rights of others.

At first I felt bad as if I were persecuting someone based on religion... Then I realized what about my freedom. My Rights... life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. I can't be happy when me and my kid are terrified out of our sleep every night. I can't have a good quality of life if I can't get any sleep. So what should I do? Live and let live... Move on my own dime... Keep calling the law. Either of those just don't seem fair to me. I can't be the only person this is bothering. Should I ask to be moved? I really like my apartment and don't want to let it go, but I also don't want to mess up my budget by moving when it wasn't in my plans. The whole situation doesn't seem fair. If I rally my neighbors against this one resident I'll feel like a bully, but it seems this will be the only way my apartment will do anything about it. I just don't think its right that I would be forced to move because of a nuisance neighbor thinking we're infringing on his rights...

I'm Back

Here we go again... I'm back to blogging hopefully this will last this time. Ya'll know I like to take random time off from blogging. In other words when life gets stressful I cut out the one thing that relaxes me, writing. Why only because I have to be able to use this time that I'm writing to do something productive. But I'm not on that anymore, I'm actually going to dedicate time to writing... posting... blogging. RELAXING!