Thursday, June 24, 2010

Turning off and logging out

In such a technologically advance society we've forgotten how to do one thing... RELAX. Even on vacation we're still connected to the world we're trying to get away from. Is this the reason heart disease, heart attacks and other health issues are going up? I'm no scientist but my theory is...yes. Think about it most of these diseases can be exagerated by stress levels. The fact that the computer is no longer a desk top stuck in a study area in the back of the house has a lot to do with it. Laptops, ipads, iphones, blackberries, etc all give us access to work, volunteer duties, and friends all at a moments notice. When someone asks did you get my email you? We can no longer say... No I wasn't near a computer. Our phones/computers/PDAs are attached to our hips... and we can't get away.

Do you realize the digital age is reprogramming our brains? Wait hear me out before you judge... Many people say that multitasking is a skill they do very well, but these days we have no choice. While your working, I know you check your facebook status and tweet throughout the day. Hey I do it too... Not judging here. Everyone who feels they need to speak to you have several ways they can contact you at a moments notice. So not giving your annoying aunt your work number no longer means you're free from her strange way of thinking the world revolves around her while you're at work. (Did I just vent right there... My bad?) When you're at home or out enjoying a day with your beautiful kids: Do you find yourself checking and replying to emails? Are you sending twitpics so that everyone knows what you're doing? Are you sending mobile pics to facebook so friends can see how big "Bobby" has gotten? (Who the heck is Bobby?) Why? Why spend all that valuable time worrying about the outside world when all "Bobby" wants is your attention? (Again with this Bobby?)

My challenge to myself is next vacation I'm logging off. (Whenever I actually find time to take one.) Join me if you'd like. Every email address will have an automatic reply that says "I'm logged off, try this again in a week. Right now I'm trying to relax." I know what you're saying its not very professional, but actually it is. It shows employers and clients I know how to seperate business and personal. I won't let business interfere with my personal life and vice versa.

Just a side note... The best part of the day is when I'm getting my son ready for bed. I log off the computer, put away the laptop and turn off my blackberry... At first it was hard, always afraid I would miss something. Now looking back I'm so glad I did it. Of course I miss a couple emails and calls and realize that someone eventually will be upset cause they can't get in touch with me. If its not life or death I'll get at you in the morning.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


I heard the oddest thing as I was listening to the radio the day after the tornados here in Wisconsin. The radio personality was complaining that their favorite show was interupted due to the weather coverage. WTF you can't be serious? Really this F-2 tornado rips across our area taking down power lines, trees and HOMES and you're upset you missed your favorite show.

Personnally I was offended and couldn't believe someone would even open their mouth to admit something like that. HOW DARE YOU? Is what came to mind. No I didn't personnally experience any loss do to the tornado but I've seen the video, the pictures and heard the stories. People's lives have been turned upside down, but you're angry because forecasters got on the air and told them to take cover. Which in itself is a blessing since the tornado sirens did not go off. This situation could have been so much worse. Does it take people dying to make someone care?

Your show can be aired again... its on tape somewhere. But the News Stations had all but a split moment to tell the people in the Village of Eagle there was a funnel cloud in their area and to take cover, a life or death moment... Yet all you care about is your tv show? Truly a sad day!

In the Beginning: The Truth about Baby Momma Drama

In the Beginning: The Truth about Baby Momma Drama

Smelling the roses

So I have come to realize that people are actually crazy... the dog that barks the loudest usually has the smallest bite. Just because you're loud doesn't mean you're right. And just because someone lets you state your peace doesn't mean you've won.

Many times in life its the one that is quiet and constantly moving that wins the race. Think about it this way... If you're getting loud screaming and arguing you really can't move, work or get anything accomplished. So don't sit and argue with people, keep planning, making and achieving your goals. Life is too short ---I'm only stopping to smell roses, not to stick my nose in shit.

The Truth about Baby Momma Drama

Its funny before you have children you have all these dreams. About marriage and how you will raise your child together... But this is America and many kids are born to parents who never take that stroll down the aisle. Especially in the African American community. I never thought I would be in that number. I'm smart, college educated, talented, work in a corporate setting and still able to pursue my passion... Alas I am in that number. I find myself wondering how people tend to not like each other after creating something sooo beautiful together. It just doesn't make any sense.

I've heard a lot of men saying that their "my baby momma just wants money that's why she putting me on child support", "she won't let me come over and see my kid" and my all time favorite "my baby momma is jealous of my new girl". All in all these men are trying to give people reason for calling the Mother of their child "CRAZY". These men want to feel justified in disrespecting the mother of their child.

I admit before I had my own child I too thought these statements were true... Women we are emotional creatures and tend to work from the heart... But now I realize its the fact that women start thinking with their heads once they become a mother and that's where the problems start.

Let me address the sayings:

"Babymomma just wants money that's why she putting me on child support"
--Really? My first question is Do you think clothes, food, shelter, doctors, daycare...etc are all free. Its your child too, what makes you think she doesn't need help. Even if she can afford to do it without you... Why should she its your child too?

"She won't let me come over and see my kid"
--This one is easy. Why do you have to be in her house? You don't need to sit in her face just to spend time with your child, take the baby with you. Find something to do on your own. She shouldn't have to hold your hand and walk you through a relationship with your child take some initiative... Take the kid to a museum.
--Then there are the mother's who are keeping themselves or their children safe... If the father is dangerous, abusive or in a dangerous situation, by all means take your kids and get the heck on... I'm not letting ANYONE put my child in harms way.

"My baby momma just jealous of my new girl"
--Now this one is a little more complicated. Since in some cases its true, but realize I said some not all or even most. People tend to use this one as a throw away. See if a woman can't have you she doesn't want anyone else to have you... Not. More than likely you are not God's personal gift to women, and she could probably care less about who's nerves your getting on. In fact she's probably happy you're out of her hair.
--Now some men say this to make things look good to their new girl. If she heard about you were still snooping around your baby momma, trying to be back with her, and still begging her to "GIVE YOU SOME" she would probably leave you too. But hey don't shoot the messenger I'm just being honest.

Don't worry I'll be turning this post around and doing the other side... That will be soooooo interesting TRUST ME!!!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Praying and holding steadfast

I have been through some bullish in my life, and relized that it all is only temporary... But it never seems that way at the time... so this is what I'm remembering right now. God is in the blessing business. When you can't see it, and the moment seems dark... that's the moment God shows you what he can do. I am praying, watching and waiting. Encouraging my self and loving God for who he is and not what he can do.