Tuesday, July 20, 2010

30 letters, 30 days... Day 13-Someone you've drifted away from.

I've been around but not really. I've been the person everyone expected me to be and that lead me away from you. How could I ever do that when I loved you so much? Truth be told you were everything that I wanted to be. Smart, beautiful, assertive, and so damn determined to get what you want out of life.
There were times when I was amazed just at the way you carried yourself. Head held high no matter what life threw at you. Even in the hardest of times you never let the world know what was going on. I loved how when others would try to tear you down you would come up with a beautiful rebuttal... a rebuttal so well put that the person going against you could only hug you in response. The true beauty of you shined through and negativity didn't even seem to affect you. I loved that about you.
In writing this letter I'm hoping that I am able to find you again. Never was I so lost and hurt until the day I lost you.. The true essence of me. Tisiphani you are not lost only suppressed by the expectations you're putting on yourself. Sweetie its time to release those self given shackles and return to the true essence of self. The only person who can return you to the person you really are is you. I look forward to seeing you again when I look into the mirror.

Welcome back love,

Woman in the Mirror

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