Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Day 15... Some I've drifted away from

Dear Bill-

You know after knowing you for all these years its almost hard to believe that we rarely talk... We've been friends since before we knew what the word actually meant. I guess its been a little weird in the last few years. Our lives have turned out so different from what we dreamed as kids... Lol Remember you were going to be the next Michael Jordan... and I was going to be dancing with the Harlem Ballet. I remember talking about it for what seemed like hours on end underneath the berry bush outside of Pastor's house. We would sneak and pick the berries, eat them and talk about how fun it would be to be a grown up. Then Rob would come up punch me in the arm and we were all off and running. Those were the days.

Its funny our parents always though you and I would end up married one day and never hesitated to remind us of that every single day. Probably why we never actually ended up dating. When your parents try to force something on you... its rebellion time. I don't actually know why we fell off, but I miss you friend. I still remember coming back home and realizing that our berry bush had been cut down. I got a little sad, I looked at the stump and just remembered you and sitting under there. Just enjoying the summer days. Wow that seems like such a long time ago. Can you believe we're 30... OMG remember when you would tease me about being older than me... Like it mattered it was only 6 weeks... buddy.

I know we saw each other last year but we didn't keep in touch like we promised. I just want to have another one of those days... like when we were little. Innocently sitting under the rasberry
bush, sneaking, eating and talking.... I miss it.


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