Monday, July 12, 2010

30 letters, 30 days... Day 4_ To my brother & sisters... ALL OF THEM

My brothers:

I love you both so much. When we were young it seemed as though I was so much older than you both. 4/5 years seems like so much until everyone is over the age of 21. Now its all about love and respect.

My big/lil bro:
So many people wonder why I call you that but if they saw us standing next to one another they would understand. I just want to let you know how proud I am of you. You are a beautiful son, brother, husband and father. You have been through so much and kept the faith the entire time... This is another reason I look up to you. Not just because you're taller than me...

My baby bro... Boopie:
Yeah I don't care how grown you get you're still my Boopie. We fight so much, but I know its only because we're both so strong willed. Out of all our siblings we may be the most alike. You tell anyone that and I will deny I said it. Seriously we fight so hard but its all in love. You may have baby boy syndrome but I love you anyway.

My other bro:
What can I say -- I don't know you at all. Its not our fault though, Papa was a rolling stone. My only hope is that one day we can at least meet one another. All I know about you is your name.

My Big sister:
I really don't know what the hell I ever did to you. You never liked or accepted me as your sister, but guess what I FORGIVE YOU. I haven't spoken to you in 15 years, and that was my choice. Not my mom's and not OUR dad's... MINE. I just didn't like putting myself out there trying to be the perfect baby sister, and have you belittle me and treat me like some sort of step child. I wasn't the step kid... YOU WERE, but I never treated you that way. I won't go into everything... but I just need to know I FORGIVE YOU.

My other sister:
Our paths cross every once in a while, and I still love you. I hope that as we grow as women we'll develop a closer relationship. I know I act like I don't care one way or another but I love and miss you too. Our kids are getting older and I think its time for a playdate... What do you think?

Love your sister,


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