Monday, July 12, 2010

30 letters, 30 days... Day 7- To my EX

This letter has been bothering me since I decided to do these 30 letter but I'm going to stick to my guns and write this open letter to you.

Dear ??? (Not putting myself out there like that)

What happened to us? I know its been a while since we've spoken but it took me a long time to get over the hurt. I'm able to move on and learn from it but the truth is I still love you. We had so many good times, and the dynamics between us seemed to be a perfect match. When I was with you the possibility of breaking up never crossed my mind. I thought we would make it through and conquer this world together. Once I met you I didn't think I would have to bare the burdens of this world alone.

You were my lover and my best friend. I could tell you anything, but something went wrong. You left, and skipped out on me. I was so bitter and angry I turned into the Angry Black Bitch so many people talk about. I just couldn't believe after all that we went through you could walk away. I felt if I helped you to accomplish your dreams, once you got there I would be right by your side. I also thought you would in turn help me accomplish mine. After all that's what people in love do... Isn't it? Maybe I had it wrong or read too much into it... But how could that be? We were together for years. Even with all of the anger that passed between us I was willing to give our love another opportunity to grow and flourish... Then you in your anger decided the best way to get over me was to express to the world that you despised me. Why would you do that to me? Of all people, I've never spoken an ill word about you. I defended you to everyone, family, friends, co-workers and anyone else who would and sometimes wouldn't listen. I loved you in every sense of the word.

In truth I got through it... the hurt, the pain and yes I have moved on. I have a beautiful son now who is my ray of sunshine. My blessing from God. I'm doing what I love and having fun. No I don't have a special someone in my life right now, but I know all good things come from God. In time the man for me will arrive. I'm in no rush to be in another relationship, but this dating things has gotten to be kind of fun. I've done something I didn't think I would be able to do again. I've opened myself up for love. I finally realized you didn't take everything I have to offer, you only took a piece of me. You can have it, treasure it... because I don't want it back. I realize that hole that was in my heart had to be filled with a love of self. Yes I have once again found me and damn it I'm the SHIT. Okay so that was a little self centered but its true. I almost forgot how beautiful I could be, I almost forgot that I have so much love to give. I almost kept it to myself, but that's not fair. I need to love and let someone love me.

I just needed to get this off of my chest, but more so I wanted to thank you. For being the man for me at that time in my life. I want to thank you for all the life lessons you taught me during and after our relationship. I know that when I get married (Can you believe I want to get married) I will make someone a great wife. I'm a strong woman who is independent yes... but I'm willing to be a helpmate. This is what I was created to be. Strong enough to hold up my man when he needs it... but also soft enough to allow him to hold me.

Thanks for the lessons,

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